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Influence of the Visual Semiotics of Media and the Socio-Cultural Changes of the Rural Masses in Sri Lanka (A Sociological Analysis).

Dr. Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan 
Faculty of Mass Media / Center for Media Research (CMR),
 Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo, 
Horana, Sri Lanka. /


The concepts of semiotics and visual communication in the media landscape have become popular themes in the 21st century. These have formed a new conceptual and theoretical frame as a new carrier in the field of social sciences. The masses experience the world predominantly through perspectives. Unique power of the vision of the man constructs the visual perception through worldly matters and discerns the meaning and notices the differences between them. Signs and symbols are influential in visual communication and they can be described denotatively and connotatively. Syntactic, semantic and pragmatic are the main theoretical aspects of semiotics. The conventional masses have to engage in a contradictory mission since the inception of modern visual communication of media into the rural territoriality. This traditional ideology and the culture have been changed to a greater extent by the visual methods of numerous channels of media. Audience segmentation is the specific case of this social construction. Early segmentation was based on gender, race or ethnicity, caste etc. But it has been quickly developed into a complex of factors that push and pull individuals towards diffusion and assimilation or the maintenance of sociocultural distinctiveness of the dominant society constructed by the visual aspect of media communication. [Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan. Influence of the Visual Semiotics of Media and the Socio-Cultural Changes of the Rural Masses in Sri Lanka, (A Sociological Analysis). J Am Sci 2015;11(3):1-6]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). Keywords: Visual Communication, Ideology, Rural Masses, Social Change.

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