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Showing posts from 2019

The Ideological Impact of Postmodern Media in the Process of Structuring Hyperreality in the Consciousness of Rural Masses (A Case Study in Sri Lanka).

Dr. Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan, G. D.  Head, Department of Computer Studies / Center for Media Research,  Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Media, Sri Palee campus, University of Colombo,  Sri Lanka. / Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to discuss the social changes and challenges that the rural masses face, brought by the postmodern aspect of the global media. The macro and micro level perspective of this research shows the evidence of cultural dominance of the postmodern features of the media and the media imperialism. According to the evidence of this research, the postmodern aspect of media has been influencing the perception, all the behavioral patterns of the masses and the social structure of Sri Lanka at micro and macro level. Accordingly, this result shows that this influence has not been confined to the customs, traditions, languages, material artifacts, and the entire body of the myths, legends, beliefs and all th

A Sociological Analysis of the Global Hegemony of Mass Media and Its Influence on the Americanization of Sri Lankan Media

Dr. Dharma Keerthi Sri Ranjan1 , Pavitra Umayanganie2  1 Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Mass Media, Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo, Horana, Sri Lanka /  2 Undergraduate in Psychology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.  Abstract: The imperialism of the culture of mass media of America has shaped and reshaped the individual life of the masses of central and peripheral countries in the world. The modern electronic colonialism is leading to a new concept of empire and has led the masses to a cultural tsunami. The present transnationalism of Americanization builds up a psychological or mental empire which influences the minds, attitudes, values etc. of individuals of the world. The e Colonialism of the US media and communication adopts the values, norms and cultural trends in order to promote the western ideals of capitalism. The advancement of the technology of satellite and the cable te